Fr. Henry Pouget
Fr. John O’Neill
Fr. John Galligan
Fr. James Manning
Msgr. James Maher
Msgr. John Reynolds
Fr. Gerald Ryan
Fr. Frank Nugent
Fr. Frank Palmer
Fr. Ken Gross
Fr. Anthony Aiello
Fr. Bob Schoemann
Fr. Bob Harris
Fr. Chris Reising (Current Pastor)
A postcard announcing a new parish in the Des Moines Highland and Oak Park area arrived in parishioners' mailboxes in October of 1914. As the newly appointed pastor, Fr. Henry Pouget had rented a store-front building at 2914 - 6th Avenue as the first worship center for All Saints.
When Fr. Pouget was transferred in the Fall of 1915, Fr. John O'Neill became the new pastor. Fr. O'Neill's home at 3620 - 4th Street now became the location to celebrate Mass.
Fr. John Galligan was appointed in March of 1916 to be the first resident pastor. In July, he was authorized to purchase three lots at the northeast corner of 3rd and Ovid for $2,600. This would become the parish's first real church. In September of 1918, the residence that would become the parish rectory was purchased for $3,500.
In 1919, Fr. James Manning was appointed pastor following Fr. Galligan's untimely death from the flu. In September of 1919, plans and specs for the new church were approved, and authorization was given to seek bids, not to exceed $16,000. The church, with its cupola, would have the air of an old Spanish mission church. The new church building was dedicated on June 13, 1920.
In 1924, Fr. Manning was authorized to accept plans, bids and sign the contract not to exceed $11,000 to provide a school building for the parish. The school building consisted of three rooms, and classes began in 1925 with 56 pupils taught by the Sisters of Mercy.
When Fr. Manning was transfered in May 1928, Fr. James C. Maher became the new pastor. During Fr. Maher's tenure two building additions were made to the school. The school was dedicated on Sunday, October 18, 1936. While at All Saints, Fr. Manning was elevated to Monsignor in July 1954. Msgr. Maher served the parish until his death in 1962.
Fr. Frederick Reece served as administrator until Fr. John Reynolds became pastor in September 1962. In 1963, Fr. Reynolds was instrumental in purchasing 10 acres of land on NE 52nd Avenue for a new church. The All Saints location on 3rd Street was crowded and overflow room was needed. All Saints' new church satellite, known as St. Mel's Chapel, was dedicated on September 4,1966 with a building cost of $305,000 plus furnishings. Msgr. Reynolds retired to Atlantic, IA in 1972.
Fr. Edward Hurley served as administrator until Fr. Gerald Ryan was appointed to succeed Msgr. Reynods (Fr. Reynolds was elevated to Monsignor in 1964). In the fall of 1976 a new rectory was built. Due to the increasing size of the parish, Fr. Ryan added a new staff position of Parish Social Worker. Sister Nancy Anderson, O.S.B., formerly of All Saints, was the first to serve in this position.
In 1979 Fr. Frank Nugent was assigned to All Saints while continuing to serve as Vicar General for the Diocese of Des Moines.
In August of 1981 Fr. Frank Palmer was assigned as pastor. Many energy saving projects were accomplished during Fr. Palmer's tenure. Fr. Palmer was instrumental in implementing more of the liturgical reforms mandated by Vatican II.
Fr. Ken Gross was appointed pastor in August of 1987. He hired the first full-time secretary for the parish and established a Long Range Planning Committee in 1988 to address issues central to the future of the parish. The all Saints school was closed in June 1992.
Fr. Anthony Aiello was appointed pastor in July of 1992. Fr. Aiello held the last Mass in the 3rd and Ovid location on Christmas Day, 1996. On January 1, 1997, all parish functions were moved to the NE 52nd Avenue location, and St. Mel's officially became All Saints. In November of 1997, an addition to the building was dedicated. The areas we know as the Parish Hall, Parish Office, two large restrooms, Religious Education rooms and library were all part of this addition.
Growth continued under the guidance of Fr. Bob Schoemann from 2003-2008. Although there was room for parishioners inside the church, the parking lot was now overflowing. In 2007, 108 parking spots were added as a huge expansion was undertaken. In 2008, a superb sound system was installed so parishioners could easily hear as they celebrated Mass. A large well-lit sign was also installed in 2008, so people could easily identify All Saints Catholic Church.
Fr. Bob Harris has led All Saints since 2008. During 2012-2013 Fr. Harris led the $800,000 Capital Campaign and Building Project to update the HVAC systems and renovate the classroom spaces, which included splitting the gym into two floors due to continued growth in parishioners and the number of parish activities held at the parish.
Fr. Chris Reising was appointed pastor in July of 2024.From its very simple beginning, All Saints parish has grown considerably. In 2006, there were more than 575 families; today there are over 730 families. Although the parish has grown into a medium-sized parish, it has maintained the same warm hospitality from the very beginning!